*Device supports depth buffering using w. :(Device supports anisotropic filtering. :9The driver can perform patterned drawing lines or fills: 9Calculates the fog value by referring to a lookup table: CDevice can anti-alias lines forming the convex outline of objects: 1Supports level-of-detail (LOD) bias adjustments: 9Calculates the fog value by referring to a lookup table: JCalculates the fog value during the lighting operation, and interpolates:
Z-Buffer: Always pass the z test.2Pass the z test if the new z equals the current z.;Pass the z test if the new z is greater than the current z.GPass the z test if the new z is greater than or equal to the current z.8Pass the z test if the new z is less than the current z.DPass the z test if the new z is less than or equal to the current z.Always fail the z test.